Balancing Ambition and Realism

My one big goal for this year was to run a marathon. I spent months training and worked my way up to 15 extremely hilly miles every week, with a clear peaking and tapering plan leading into the event. 3 weeks from marathon day, I started to feel sick. 2…

A Review of the Rings of Power, Season 1

The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power is a new Amazon TV show based on the works of J.R.R Tolkein. Always a cult classic, the universe that brought us The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit has always been a tricky world to adapt into film.…


I've written a few posts now on things that could be considered "hobbyist" interests. You might be able to tell that I spend a ton of time sitting at my desk because I can't stop writing about keyboards and headphones. At some point I&…

Write Your Own Shell Prompt

Efficient and effective shell usage is maybe the greatest productivity multiplier for any developer, and it all starts with an effective prompt. There are tons of resources out there on how to build your own custom prompt, and more than a few tools that promise the best of prettiest layout.…

Even Simple Wordle Solvers are Pretty Good

You're likely pretty familiar with Pareto principle, even if you don't associate it with that name. It's often referred to as the 80-20 rule and describes the phenomenon that about 80% of results come from about 20% of the work. When prioritizing software projects,…

Don't Learn a Language with TDD

Last year I decided to try and learn the Rust programming language. It's been all the rage online (for good and bad reasons) and felt like something I should try out before passing judgment on. It was going to be the first language I learned after becoming a…